
The Chinese Peer Support program supports people from the Chinese community who are experiencing gambling harm. Support is also available to families or friends. Support is provided through peer support, to complement counselling or group work with existing services.

良朋互助援助项目旨在通过同伴式的支持,与现有的咨询和小组活动相结合,互为补充,为华人赌博人士及其家庭, 朋友提供最优化地援助服务。

The Chinese Peer Support Program is a telephone service (1300 755 878) for people and/or their families/friends who are experiencing harm from gambling. It is staffed by Chinese speaking volunteers who have been through their own or a family member/s issue in relation to out-of-control gambling behaviour.

良朋互助是一个电话援助服务项目(1300 755 878),适用于因赌博而受到伤害的人/或其家人,朋友。 服务热线由自己或家庭成员曾深受失控的赌博行为困扰的志愿者接听。

All volunteers have undergone a minimum of six weeks training (in English and Chinese) specifically in telephone peer support and awareness around at-risk and out-of-control gambling related issues. Volunteers receive individual supervision and participate in ongoing training.

所有志愿者都经过至少六周的培训(中英文),内容包括电话同伴支援,对风险和失控赌博相关问题的认识等。 志愿者工作中接受专业督导并需参与持续的培训。





Have you had experience harms from gambling and want to help others in the Chinese community?

您是否曾因自己,家人和朋友的赌博问题困扰, 您想帮助其他华人朋友吗?

We welcome you to join our volunteer team.


These are what our team say about volunteering at CPC:  志愿者工作感受分享:

“Flexible working hours and working from home really fit my work schedule”  “灵活的工作时间,在家工作一点不耽误我的其它生活,工作”。

“I really learnt a lot from the team including speaking other languages and professional knowledge in telephone counselling” “我学语言,学电话咨询等相关专业知识,真的在团队中学到了很多”。

“Help with my portfolio to find jobs” “志愿者经历帮助我找工作。”

“I enjoy being together with my team especially the social gatherings we have regularly” “我喜欢和我的团队在一起, 特别是我们定期举办的社交聚会”。

Please contact 1300 755 878 or cpcintake@each.com.au for more details.

请联系1300 755 878 或cpcintake@each.com.au 获取更多详情。


Ying Ying’s Story

Ying Ying experienced difficulties adjusting to a new environment, particularly due to the language barrier, a lack of social support, and difficulty finding a job, resulting in her being diagnosed with depression in 2007.

Ying Ying sought help from EACH in 2013 after a medical staff member referred her. Since one of her family members had a gambling problem and Ying Ying too had experienced gambling-related harm, EACH’s social worker encouraged Ying Ying to join the CPC volunteer team. At first, Ying Ying worked as an administrative assistant and was later trained as a telephone peer support worker. Ying was initially anxious about making calls, but the 6-session training, and support from other volunteers and staff helped her overcome it.


"Whenever I heard my clients saying they are delighted to receive your call, or they feel better talking to me, or they are better now etc.., I would feel happy for them, and in return I am feeling blessed too." - Ying Ying




Ying Ying is very grateful to be a peer support worker at CPC, where she can help others who have experienced similar experiences.




2013年,在一位醫務人員轉介之後,盈盈向EACH尋求幫助。 由於她的一位家庭成員有賭博問題,而盈盈也曾遭受過與賭博有關嘅傷害,因此EACH嘅社工鼓勵她加入良朋互助(CPC)義工團隊。 起初,盈盈擔任行政助理,後來接受培訓成為電話朋輩輔導員。最初,盈盈對打電話感到焦慮,但六節課嘅培訓以及其他義工同工作人員嘅支持幫助她克服了焦慮。

盈盈說:“每當我聽到來電者說他們很高興接到我的電話,或者他們覺得和我聊天更好,或者他們現在好多了等等,我都會為他們感到高興,而我自己也感到幸福。 ”




莹莹随家人移民到了澳洲, 在适应新环境时遇到许多困难,尤其是语言不通、缺乏社会支持、找工作困难等,导致她在2007年被诊断出患有抑郁症。

2013 年,在一位医务人员转介后,莹莹向 EACH 寻求帮助。 由于她的一位家庭成员有赌博问题,而莹莹也曾遭受过与赌博有关的伤害,因此EACH的社工鼓励莹莹加入CPC志愿者团队。 起初,莹莹担任行政助理,后来接受培训成为电话同伴支持人员。 最初,莹莹对打电话感到焦虑,但 6 节课的培训以及其他志愿者和工作人员的支持帮助她克服了焦虑。



Who can access this program?


This program is available to Chinese speaking people with gambling related issues. This program is not suitable for people in immediate crisis.

项目适用于所有经历赌博相关问题的华人。 不适合正处于危机中的人。

What does it cost?

This program is free and confidential.

此项目完全免费, 保护使用者隐私,遵守保密原则。

When can this program be accessed?


This program is available on Monday & Tuesday from 1:00 to 9:00pm and Wednesday to Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm. Messages can be left if staff are not available. Telephone support sessions also operate weekly, during the day and evening.


How can you access this program?

For more information please contact us on 1300 755 878 or email: cpcintake@each.com.au. 欲了解更多信息, 请致电1300 755 878,或给我们邮箱cpcintake@each.com.au 写邮件,与我们联系。.

Groups and Programs:

Ongoing volunteer recruitment including training course.