The EACH Health Promotion Team recently teamed up with Eastern Domestic Violence Services (EDVOS) to host a workshop on Practical actions to support Gender Equality in Early Childhood at Maroondah City Council.
Educators from early childhood services (Early Years Network) across Knox and Maroondah attended the event which provided them with the opportunity to explore ways of embedding practical gender equitable practices within their services.
Key speakers Brianna and Jacqui from EDVOS presented on the importance of a whole of service approach and gave examples of great work that is happening across the eastern region of Melbourne.
The workshop was designed to further support services to implement strategies explored at Respectful Relationships professional development earlier this year.
The event also gave the network the opportunity to:
- Share knowledge around strengthening positive, equal and respectful relationships in their service
- Developed a Respectful Relationships Action Plan
- Learn how to align their Respectful Relationships Action Plan to the Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework and Quality Improvement Plan.
For services currently working on Mental Health and Wellbeing as part of The Victorian State Government’s Achievement Program, participating in this workshop provided actions to meet state wide benchmarks for this health priority area. The Achievement Program is a evidence based framework, based on the World Health Organisation’s ‘Health Promoting School’ model to create healthy environments where people work, learn and play.
For more information about this Early Years Network or The Achievement Program in early childhood services, please contact Catherine Delaney, Health Promotion Officer at EACH on (03) 97576278 or via