The Needle and Syringe Program (NSP) is a public health initiative that supports people who inject drugs by giving access to free needle and syringe packs as well as a safe place to dispose of used needle and syringes.
The Needle and Syringe Program (NSP) is a strategy for increasing needle and syringe availability to people who inject drugs, and minimising the transmission of blood-borne viruses such as HIV, Hepatitis B & C, and the sharing of injecting equipment.
The safe disposal of used injecting equipment remains a high priority of the NSP programs. Providing a sharps drop off which can be accessed 24/7, located near the front entrance of our NSP sites.
The NSP Program operates as a harm reduction strategy and seeks to reduce the health risks associated with injecting.
The NSP Program provides valuable resources for people who inject drugs wishing to access safe injecting equipment, counselling and those wishing to reduce/stop their drug use.
Locations for the service are:
Building B, 46 Warrandyte Rd, Ringwood VICTORIA 3134
75 Patterson Street, Ringwood East VICTORIA 3135
1063 Burwood Highway, Ferntree Gully VICTORIA 3156
This program offers:
- ​Drop in service, no appointment required
- After hours sharps drop off point located at entrance
- Confidential and discreet
- No referral needed
- No age restrictions apply
Who can access this program?
This program supports anyone who needs access to safe injecting equipment.
What does it cost?
This is a free service
When can this program be accessed?
This program can be accessed Monday to Friday, 9:00am to 5:00pm at any of our NSP Sites – see addresses above.
How can you access this program?
For more information please contact us on 1300 003 224.Groups and Programs:
Related Services:
CHOPER (Community Health Outreach Program Eastern Region) - 0414 266 203
AOD Prevention & Safety Response Clinicians - 1300 007 873
SURe Intake AOD Treatment Services - 1300 007 873
EACH Project HOPE and THRIVE ATOD Counselling Program - 1300 007 873
EACH Youth Drug & Alcohol Counselling - 1300 007 873
Headspace - 1300 003 224
Reconnexion - 1300 273 266
Maroondah Addictions Recovery Project (MARP) - 9727 1133
EACH Financial Counselling - 9871 1817
EACH Service Access - 1300 00 3224
Directline - 1800 888 236
Family Drug & Alcohol Helpline - 1300 66 068
Anglicare VIC - 1800 809 722