A journey of growth: Levi's and Delores' WILD experience 

While nature is often seen as a place of peace and relaxation, for Delores and Levi, it is a path towards personal growth and transformation.

These days, making his way through uncharted waters on a kayak is something Levi chooses to do, but this wasn’t always the case having battled social anxiety and low self-esteem growing up. 

“I found it challenging to be outgoing and form friendships, and I had a long list of activities I wanted to try, such as kayaking or exploring caves, but lacked confidence to do them alone.” said Levi. 

Levi overcame social anxiety, gained confidence, and coping skills via bush adventure therapy, which involves outdoor activities such as hiking, caving, and kayaking, allowing him the unique opportunity to connect with nature, build supportive relationships, and face physical and mental challenges. 

“Having the support of those around me, I now feel comfortable being my authentic self and participating in activities that enhance my confidence while pushing me out of my comfort zone.”  

Levi credits the support he received from his peers for his personal growth and positive experience to manage social anxiety and build confidence.  

“We are all going through our own struggles,” Levi said. “Yet we stand by one another through thick and thin. The feeling of being supported is incredibly empowering, enabling me to feel more confident and outgoing in social situations.” 

Levi says he now feels confident and outgoing in social situations.

Delores, like Levi, credits the support of individuals with whom she shares her experiences with and wears a hndmade bracelet as a symbol of appreciation towards the friendships that have positively impacted her journey. 

“I have less social anxiety and significantly more confidence now, and I wear this bracelet as a reminder of the support of my friends and the progress I have made.”  

Delores had been struggling with her mental health for a long time, longing for a space where she could immerse herself in nature, have new experiences, and embark on an adventure. 

“I was struggling with social anxiety, but being in nature and challenging myself physically by doing bush adventure therapy helped me break free from my negative thought patterns and gain a new perspective on my life,” said Delores. 

Delores says being immersed in nature and pushing beyond her limits is an empowering experience.

At first, Delores was apprehensive about participating in activities, but soon discovered that immersing herself in nature and pushing beyond her limits was an empowering experience. 

“I am terrified of caving, but I tried it anyway,” Delores said. “It was so scared, but the activities cater to all our individual needs, making me feel that I can accomplish anything. “ 

Amanda Wallis, a Wilderness Adventure Therapy Worker with EACH’s NDIS WILD program says bush adventure therapy facilitates the development of healthy relationships with oneself, others, and the environment. 

“It helps people build confidence to express themselves, make decisions, make new friends, and try new things, some of which they struggled with previously,” says Amanda.  

WILD is a bush adventure therapy program that offers NDIS participants a safe place to step out of their comfort zone and discover who they are by connecting them to their surrounding environment through group-led bush adventure therapy activities. 

Learn more about WILD



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