Health Promoting Workplaces Awarded

Congratulations to four workplaces in Knox who were recognised as Health Promoting Workplaces at a recent Healthy Together Knox Workplace Workshop, for meeting state-wide evidenced based benchmarks for chosen health areas of the Healthy Together Victoria Workplace Achievement Program.

EACH Health Promotion Officer, Sarah Murphy together with the Workplace Settings Coordinator at the Achievement Program, Saraya Moore awarded Sprintpak- Australia Post for recognition in the areas of Alcohol and Smoking, Sebastian Property Services for Mental Health and Wellbeing, Knox City Council for addressing Smoking and Sigma Pharmaceuticals for Mental Health and Wellbeing.
All of these workplaces have successfully taken a whole of organisational approach to create a healthy workplace around their identified health areas, meaning that new policies have been implemented or existing ones updated, management and staff have been consulted and involved in decision making, information and resources to support workers health is available, the physical working environment provides healthy opportunities for staff, and partnerships or opportunities in the community to support chosen health areas have been identified and promoted to staff.



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