Teens and Screens: Digital Fix

We don’t know where technology is heading….

What we do know is that it is not going away, nor do we want it to.

Technology often short changes us. We ‘communicate’ instead of having conversations.

Adults should continue to focus on:

  • building positive face to face relationships with young people
  • having positive conversations with young people about their media
  • being positive role models in their own use of technology.


The Teens and Screens report provides an overview of the findings of an  exploratory pilot project  which set out to understand  more about the relationship between problematic digital media use and reduced well-being, in order to inform the development of an  effective intervention framework. Internet use is now ubiquitous  in modern society, and its benefits to users are overtly evident. By  contrast, the social costs of problematic use of digital media are  somewhat less apparent. Peak health bodies worldwide are calling  for more research on immersive use of digital technology and wellbeing.


View the Teens and Screens report HERE.

The report was launched at the Teens and Screens forum on 18th May 2017. It was so encouraging to see such a strong interest in the issue of problematic internet use and how to response effectively. If you missed the opportunity to attend the forum, click on the video below to watch a recording of the event.

Evaluation – The aim of the forum was to help define a positive role for professionals working with young people showing signs of problematic internet use. The results of the satisfaction questionnaire show that 96% of attendees left the forum feeling more informed about how they can play a positive role in this space.



  1. Heavy / problematic internet use itself is often not the issue, but a coping mechanism.
  2. Motivation for use is a good starting point in establishing if use is problematic (entertainment or to escape emotional overload). Ask questions to find out what they are doing online. It might help establish what the young person’s relationship with the technology is.
  3. In a high tech world, professionals have a positive role to play in engaging with young people with the technology, face-to-face. It might even help have conversations about online risks, like pointing out online gambling content / advertising for example.
  4. There is no need to be an expert in the online space. Just ask questions / be inquisitive and respectful.
  5. In the case of both healthy and unhealthy use, online can be a great platform to build respectful relationships with a young person  – a powerful protective factor.


Click Here to Download Zoe Francis’s Slides – Senior Health Promotion Officer at EACH


Click Here to Download Nicola Johnson’s Slides – Associate Professor – Federation University


Gambling advertising online is changing the way our kids see sport. Let’s help them love the game, not the odds.
Watch the clip or take the quiz at lovethegame.vic.gov.au.

For more information on the Teens and Screens Project, please contact Zoe Francis, Senior Health Promotion Officer at EACH at Zoe.Francis@each.com.au.

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